Eyelid Hygiene

Eyelids are essential for comfortable eyes and clear vision.

When you blink, your eyelids move across the eye, but they are more than just human ‘windshield wipers’. Eyelids shield your eyes from dirt and other contaminants and block light to help you sleep comfortably—but they also contain tiny glands that secrete oils in the tears.

What most people are unaware of is how important it is to practice proper eyelid hygiene.

Eye conditions caused by poor eyelid hygiene:

Dry Eye Syndrome

When you don’t produce enough tears, which are a mixture of water, fatty oils, and mucus that maintain clean and clear eyes and help fight infection, you develop dry eye syndrome.

Inflammation around the corners of your eyelids caused by poor eyelid hygiene can prevent your oil glands from secreting oil into your tears. This is one of the possible causes of insufficient tear production.


Blepharitis, a bacterial infection of the eyelashes. In most situations, blepharitis can be controlled with good eyelid care and a regular cleaning practice.

Microscopic debris, such as dandruff from your scalp and brows, eyelash mites and lice, and crusts along the eyelid, can clog the oil glands around the base of the eyelashes, causing inflammation. Blepharitis can be caused by a bacterial infection or other skin disorders such as rosacea


One of the complications that might arise from blepharitis is a stye. A stye is a painful, red, pimple-like, pus-filled lump that usually appears on the edge of your eyelid, although it can also appear on the inside part of your eyelid